Maulid Simtudduror Terlengkap

by avblogdev

Books & Reference


The Maulid Simtudduror (Al-Habsyi) application is also equipped with audio and translation.Maulid simtudurror was composed by Habib Ali bin Muhammad bin Husin Al-Habsyi. He is a great scholar who was born on Friday, 24 Shawwal 1259 H in Qasam, a city in the land of Hadhramaut.App features:- Maulid Simtudduror (Text, Audio and Translation)- Quran and Translation- Wirdul Latif Morning and Afternoon, Wirid Sakran- Ratib Al-Haddad, Al-Athas, Syaikhona Kholil, al-Aydrus- Hizib Bahr, Nashor, Nawawi, Autad, al-Barr, Hirzul Jausyan- Istighfar Hasan Basri and Translation- Collection of daily sholawat and prayers- Extra Islamic WA Stickers*Note*# All content contained in this application is summarized from various sources and is generally available. If there is content or things that are objectionable/inappropriate, you can contact us via email.# all content and all copyrights in this app are owned by each copyright holder and not by this app.